Yes          No

___   ___   Do you ever say “Yes” when you really want to say “no?”

___   ___   Do you ever say “I don’t need any help” when you really do?

___   ___   Do you ever say “That doesn’t bother me” when it really does?

___   ___   Do you ever say “Just one more drink (cigarette, computer game, cookie) won’t hurt.”

___   ___   Do you ever say “I’m not angry!” but you really are?

___   ___   Do you ever say “I’m fine, everything is O.K.” when it isn’t?

___   ___   Do you ever smile when you really want to snap?

___   ___   Do you ever bite your tongue when you really have something to say?

___   ___   Do you ever stuff your emotions?

___   ___   Do you ever feel under appreciated?

___   ___   Do you set personal boundaries only to have them not honored?

Most of us spend our lives putting on a happy face while slowly dying inside. What we fail to realize is that, in the process, we are lying to ourselves and others. Failing to tell your truth creates stress and saps your energy. Most of all it kills your spirit. And, in the process you lose you!

If you said yes to any of the above questions you have already taken a first step to the solution….realizing and accepting that things, your life, is not exactly as you would like them to be.

The second step in the solution is to pay attention to yourself in every moment that you can and identify the “lies” that limit you. See the above list for examples. These lies not only limit you, they cause stress to your mind, to your body and to your spirit. Identifying the lies is a great beginning to starting to clear away all of the coverings to find out who you are and then starting to be that on purpose.

The third step involves experiencing whatever comes up for you when you realize the truth of what you have seen and how it has affected you.   It is only through this step that you can truly move on to step four, which is accepting the truth. Accepting the truth without judgment, opinion, belief, expectation or rules. And it is only through accepting the truth that you can move on to step five which is Reclaiming Your Power.     Through this process you can not only discover who you are but you can rediscover the excitement life has to offer. You can re-ignite your creativity and passion for life. It is through this process that you can have a more fulfilling life while reaching your greatest potential.